Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

I am making this post from firefox browser running in ubuntu !!

I installed the latest version of ubuntu today on my laptop.
I wanted to try the upgrade distribution first but it failed not being able to download a package constantly. Hence i switched to full install as i wanted to clean the system as well.

The install was smooth as usual. I was up and running with a new linux installation in ~20 mins time. I was happily browsing the net on the live system while the install was happening in the back.

I still have windows also. I did not try the windows migration wizard part of the installation setup as i felt i would not need that data in linux.

I did not have any restricted devices which needed the restricted devices manager.

Straight out of the box installation played a flv file. This was cool. There is better out-of-box multimedia support and easy to use codec download wizards. Anyways vlc is there to play everything.

I am yet to try the 3D effects.

Wireless support has been made better. It detected my router password settings and automatically got connected after i gave the password. In edgy, i used WPA supplicant package to enable the wireless support with WEP-TKIP encryption. It is integrated better in this version.

Network sharing is made easier. I have got nfs and samba installed. But i will be rarely using them in my local wireless network.

Also virtualization support is better in feisty fawn version. I am yet to use it. I will try it sometime.

I just experimented with Microsoft virtual pc and check if it will run linux and it did. It was ok. I was surprised. My mouse did not work - need to check why.

Try ubuntu and enjoy !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
